Sunday, November 8, 2009

Mars Volta Prove That Less Is More With Octahedron

Progressive band The Mars Volta are back with their fifth full-length studio album “Octahedron”. Let me start off by saying that this is not a typical Mars Volta record. This album is much more subdued and mellow than any of their previous efforts, most notably the disappointing over-the-top nonsense of their 2008 release “The Bedlam in Goliath.” Though not a concept album in the truest sense, the songs on “Octahedron” do share a lot of similar musical ideas. All of the songs on Octahedron create a haunting, ethereal atmosphere with the exception of Cotopaxi, which has a very fast-paced, Bedlam-esque sound. Perhaps the best track on the album is Copernicus, which mixes bluesy vocal melodies with sparse electric guitar and some electronica thrown in for kicks. There are many subtle nuances on this album that may require a few listens to fully digest. It’s definitely a grower.

Rating: 8.5/10

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