Wednesday, September 28, 2011

don't waste it

Seriously how fuckin' great is this song? I mean, come on.

This song's like the 1973 equivalent of those Everest College commercials you see on daytime TV telling you to get up off your ass and do something with your life. Yeah, it's a bit of a depressing reality check.

Don't put off your dreams and ambitions till tomorrow. Before you know it you'll be old and dying.

"No one told you when to run. You missed the starting gun."

Then comes that guitar solo. Jesus Christ, that guitar solo!


Saturday, September 17, 2011

Same as it ever was

The lyrics never really stood out to me when I first heard the song. I remember being about 9 or 10, driving somewhere with my dad, when this song came on the radio. “I finally understand what this song is talking about” he said. What he meant by that statement, I had no clue at the time. I probably was only thinking about when we would arrive at the mall so I could get some new pokemon cards.

I think I finally get it though.

This song is about how life is never what you expect it to be. The truth is, “you may find yourself living in a shotgun shack” or in turn “behind the wheel of a large automobile” not knowing how the hell you got there.

I think one of the most poignant lyrics is the “same as it ever was” line that singer David Byrne repeats towards the end of the song. The more things change, the more they stay the same. History repeats itself. Time in the grand scope of things is pointless - man-made. We're all just living in one big moment.

Wrap your head around that one, brah.